Tuesday, November 28, 2006

was i ever that young?

While I was home for the holiday, my brother and I were sent on a mission to the back room of the basement to find Christmas decorations. While we were down there, we came across a book that I had written when I was 12 called "HOW I'VE CHANGED: an autobiography". It was hilarious. I had hoped to bring it back with me to NYC and slowly put it on-line for your reading pleasure...however, my father was not so keen to let me take it, and since he seemed ready to tackle me if I tried, I left it in Ohio. I will put it up in bits and pieces when I am home for Christmas/New Years. I did have my dad scan some of the pictures though of me with my childhood pal Peter. Peter is actually currently fighting over in Iraq, and I wanted to forward the pictures on to him. Here are the two of us on a cold day in Lithopolis, Ohio. Make sure to enjoy his fabulous vest, and my incredibly colorful hat. Ah, you have to love the fashion of the 80's.
Side note: Please send good vibes Peter's way.


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