Wednesday, July 11, 2007

more than meets the eye

What TRANSFORMERS lacks in plot, it more than makes up in explosions. And these explosions are awesome! On Saturday, while home for my 10-year high school reunion (oy!), my brother, sister-in-law and I went and took in a $4 movie. Yes, I said a $4 movie. It seems that in Ohio when you go to an AMC theatre before noon, it costs only $4. So, with my $4 ticket in hand, I sat down and was amused for two hours. First, you can't talk about this movie without raving about the special effects. The transformers transforming is unbelievable. The technology is truly impressive....and I even found myself becoming emotionally invested in these machines. Next, we have to talk about Shia LeBeouf. He is absolutely charming in this film. He is dorky and awkward, yet manages to come across as endearing and hilarious. Although he spends most of the film just running away, I still found myself emotionally invested in his battle. He plays a kid trying to raise money to buy a car. He does this by putting old items belonging to his Arctic-exploring great-Grandfather onto E-bay. At the same time, the planet starts being attacked by large robots that are trying to hack into the Government's computer files and download information. There are bad robots, and there are good robots who are trying to save the humans. Okay, so the plot is a little thin. Let's be honest, you are not going to this movie for plot, you are going to watch the beautiful people run around and to watch giant robots kick the crap out of each other. The best thing the plot can do is stay out of the way. Thankfully, it does. If you have a 30ish brother like I do, the best thing you do is take them to this movie. My brother turned into a 10 year-old, and practically clapped with glee as the different transformers came on screen. He was even yelling out their names in excitement like two seconds before they were introduced on screen. Although, I have to say that the little kid inside of me was pretty excited too. Bonus: Julie White, recent winner of the Tony for Leading Actress in a Play is a riot as Shia's mother.

Final thoughts: The ultimate summer popcorn movie. Grab a coke, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Oooh! Ooo-ooooh! Is Sideswipe in it? How about Ultra Magnus? ooooh! ooooh, tell me Hot Rod is in it, he has to be in it!

Grr, darn variable release dates!

7:59 AM  

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