Tuesday, October 09, 2007

breaking the fourth wall

A week ago Friday, months after buying my ticket, I went and took in Tony-Award winning best musical, SPRING AWAKENING from an onstage seat. I figured this would either be the greatest night of theatre I ever experienced, or it would lead to some sort of psychotic-fourth wall breakdown. Fortunately, my mental health is still going strong at 60%, and I had a fantastic night at the theatre. First of all, I am so glad that I saw the show from the audience first. Mostly because while on stage, you see so much going on, that you can't really be part of the story. There are too many things to take you out of it. For instance, actors preparing themselves....cracking up....talking about breathing through their cramps....I mean, you just can't get past that. However, it is very cool to see it all from the other side. The kids in this show are super-amazing. And, the band totally rocked, especially as I was sitting approximately four feet away from them. I actually had actors sitting on both sides of me, which was cool and weird. It was odd to have empty seats, then they would take the chairs, then we would all sit there. It was actually all kind of surreal. There were three understudies in that night, and as there are cast changes, it was cool to see different interpretations on characters and such. Gladly, the adult actors, as well as the three leads were all in. All in all, it was an amazing night on Broadway. Plus, the roommate and I totally hit Olive Garden before the show. You can't go wrong with the OG and great theatre.

Dorky confession: While sitting at my seat waiting for intermission to end, I sang a couple of measures out loud...but to myself, while staring at the back wall. I have totally had my Broadway debut.


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