Saturday, July 15, 2006

beth's dork flag....flying high and proud

It's a's a's "Superman Returns" on IMAX 3-D!! I can't think of a better way to spend a Tuesday night in the city of New York than at the 68th Street IMAX theatre watching "Superman Returns" in 3-D. Yes folks, that flag you see flying high and proud is my dork flag. The roomie and I went to see it, and it was amazing. I loved this movie even more than when I saw it on the regular screen with the parents. It took a fun, popcorn-action-summer flick, and took the best action sequences and made it 3-D. It was unbelievable. If you have the chance to see this movie this way....take it! Do not pass not collect $200....go directly to the theatre and buy your tickets for the next available show. It is so worth it. If you have already seen the flick, the sequences that they made 3-D are the "growing up" sequence on the farm, the "Spaceship-airplane" sequence, and the "Titanic yacht" sequence. I can't even tell was just movie-going at it's best. Of course, the theatre was sold out...every seat filled and people were so ready to see this movie. In NYC, these showings have been sold out for days ahead of once you are in, it's good news indeed. I wanted to add this pic of me in my special head-gear. Yes..please laugh, I look dorky. But just imagine if you are at a movie theatre full of like 500 people wearing them all together. Woo-hoo!

photo credit: me, on the cell phone...sorry so dark.
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