Wednesday, July 19, 2006

my perfect day of unemployment

So, I am without a job for a day, three guesses as to what I did. You're right! I did in fact go and see two movies. It was lovely. I started by making a journey down to the lower East Side to find a movie theatre that was playing a movie called "Peaceful Warrior". Based on a book by Dan Millman, it follows a college gymnast who makes friends with a gas station attendant who helps coach him into being a better person. Full of cliches and preaching, this movie was perfect for my day of unemployment. It wasn't a great movie, but it was so cheesy, and so much fun...I am so glad I saw it. Nick Nolte plays the creepy, weird gas station attendant. He does a really good job. (I have to add that I got so lost...and at one point, it looked as if I wasn't going to find the theatre, or my way back to the west side! It was all very dramatic, and if at some point I get a movie camera, I will recreate it and put it on

The second movie I checked out is the comedy "You, Me and Dupree". It was cute but it wasn't fabulous. I really hoped it would be funnier than it was, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I don't know...just feel kind of lukewarm about it. I guess my thing is that Kate Hudson is fabulous. I really like her, and she seems to be doing all of these so-so movies. She is lovely in this, funny, sweet, beautiful, and it just seems like a waste. This was a Jennifer Aniston part. There were rumors that Kate Hudson would be doing "Can you Keep a Secret" a book by Sophie Kinsella, and I so hope that comes to fruition. She would be FABULOUS in that...loved the book. Matt Dillon is fine and Owen Wilson plays annoying well. A fun movie that just doesn't quite come together to be hilarious.

Final thoughts: I enjoyed both....but neither were amazing. A perfect way to spend a day of unemployment though.


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