Wednesday, August 23, 2006

people i like

I find myself inspired by a lot of people artistically. This weekend, my friend Chad came into town and we ended up seeing the movie "Little Miss Sunshine". First, this movies was still AMAZING the second time around. It still made me laugh, cry, shake my head, and sit back and relax. I couldn't help but think about Toni Collette. She is an amazing actress, who is in a little bit of everything. I love that she is not conventionally beautiful, but it still lovely. She is not afraid to change herself physically for a role. She plays good people and bad people, simple people and complicated people. And yet, even though she has been in 25 movies, I still believe every moment that she is on screen. Some of my favorite projects of hers include "Muriel's Wedding" (a must-see if you are a Toni fan..), "Emma", "The Sixth Sense", "About a Boy", "Connie and Carla" (a must-see for musical theatre lovers!), "In Her Shoes" and "Little Miss Sunshine".

There are so many actors that really stand out to me...and for the most part, they are all not-American. Toni Collette is just one that I recommend you checking out. She is Australian...and just plain lovely.

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