Saturday, February 17, 2007

quick movie redux

Contrary to what my blog might lead you to believe, I have been seeing films the last few weeks. I am not sure if I will remember all of them, but I thought I would do a quick redux.

STOMP THE YARD - Loved this movie. The story is tried and true, but there were some interesting actors, and the dancing is amazing. If you adore this kind of film (teeny-bopper-ish, dance movie), then you should get a "kick" out of this one. He he! I made a pun!

BABEL - Didn't love it. I think I am just not a big fan of this style of film...which is several different characters, seemingly unrelated that ultimately tie into the same story. Didn't really like CRASH last year either. I will be really depressed if it wins the best picture Oscar. The Japanese actress Rinko Kikuchi was the real stand-out to me.

PAN'S LABYRINTH - Creepy, scary, beautiful Spanish film. A very, very dark adult fairy tale that takes an unflinching look at war, and a young girl's battle to save her mother. Didn't see some parts as it was just too gory and violent, but brilliantly made.

EPIC MOVIE - So not as funny as it should be. Poor Kal Penn...he is a great actor who can't seem to find his breakthrough film. Hopefully THE NAMESAKE coming out early next month will finally be it.

One of my favorite people (and former NYC movie buddy) is coming to visit us today. We have a list going of what we are going to see, and at the top of the list is MUSIC AND LYRICS. Who doesn't adore Hugh Grant? I love that schmaltzy crap. Happy movie-going!

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