Saturday, February 03, 2007

more things to love about the city

I love living in the City, and although it isn't is pretty fabulous. I thought I might share some of the things that I particularly love:
*You can bundle to within an inch of your life. Here, it can get really cold...and since most of the time you are walking some distance, you really need to dress for the weather. I remember growing up, because I wanted so much to be cool, I wouldn't zip up my coat, or wear a hat or gloves. In the city, I have my knee-length down coat (with a hood), my wool hat, and my gloves or mittens. Everywhere you go, people are wandering around unable to put their arms down because of the layers. Of course, you still see people dressed like idiots (one morning when it as 20 degrees, the man across from me on the train was wearing a t-shirt with an open hoodie and a hat), but for the most part, you can dress like an Eskimo and not get a second glance.
*In the city, you can go to a restaurant by yourself, and it doesn't matter. In Ohio, if you went to a restaurant by yourself, people would give you pity eyes. Here, more likely than not, there will be at least one other person there on their own. You can whip out a book or magazine, or simply people watch and enjoy a nice meal. (Anything that isn't cereal is pretty much a nice meal in my book.)
*Ditto for movies. See what you want, when you want.

Love it.


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