Wednesday, January 17, 2007

fun facts

I thought that it could be fun (it might, in fact, not be) to share some little facts about an effort to bring the world that little bit closer.

*I can't sleep if the sheet/blanket is tucked under the end of the bed. In fact, I sleep best if my feet are exposed.
*At 5'10", I am the shortest person in my family with both of my parents at about 6' and my brother clocking in at 5'11".
*I carry an umbrella with me everywhere that I go....whether it is supposed to rain or not.
*I wear my running shoes probably 325 days out of the year. I recommend New Balance. They are the best.
*I don't floss, and I feel incredibly guilty about it every day.
*I love Keanu Reeve movies.
*I thought DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR? was hilarious...and I own it on VHS.
*The movie CRUEL INTENTIONS inspired how I write in my journal....with pictures.
*I tend to compulsively lie when I meet celebrities. I met Ralph Macchio after a performance of HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING and told him I owned all of the KARATE KID films...and I don't. (Why would I lie about that?)
*My favorite word is plethora.

Well...that was a plethora of fun facts. I promise...the next entry will be better!

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