Wednesday, February 28, 2007

i've clicked my heels three times

Well...the move is over and done, and we are now in place at the new place. It is so weird to go home to a different apartment. It is strange how quickly it all changes. The movers came on Saturday, and with my mom in town, we basically put most of the apartment together that day. We did head out and have dinner at French Roast (85th and Broadway) which was lovely. The unpacking continued on Sunday, and by Monday, most of it was done. I would say that we are 85% settled in the new place. The roommate is basically done and ready to go....but I am still finding places to put things. I would like/need to get a bookshelf for my randomly HUGE bedroom. I am hoping that I can finish up this weekend, and also crash and recover from the moving exhaustion.

So, I live in a new place now.
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