Thursday, August 09, 2007


Something happens when you go back to school and the other kids are younger than you are. What happens is you end up having younger friends, who sometimes make you act your age. That is what happened this past weekend. Ellen, one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, came and visited the roommate and I in the city. Once she was in town, we ran around like maniacs, watched movies, saw shows, took tours, took photos, and had a glorious time. One of my favorite activities that we did was to take pictures of Ellen and the roommate doing touristy things around the city, and looking miserable. Here are a couple of my favorites. Ellen and I tripped over the fabulous actor Michael Sheen (currently starring on B'way in FROST/NIXON and star of the great film THE QUEEN). This might be my favorite picture of all time. I actually put it up next to my desk at work so that I could look at it and have a good giggle whenever I needed to.

Becoming Jane

When Ellen was a NY-er, she and I would basically go out every weekend for lunch and then to see a movie. We tended to see romances or foreign films, and upon her return, we decided that BECOMING JANE starring Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy was a must-see. The roommate joined in, and after a quick dinner took in the fictional story of Jane Austen. The film was pretty good. I wasn't totally bowled over by it, but I enjoyed myself. Anne Hathaway is lovely, and this is her best work to date. James McAvoy is charming as ever, and the two of them work well off of one another. (I am VERY excited for his next film, PENELOPE, which opens next week!) Jane lives at home with a poor family, and dreams of writing as a profession. Instead, her mother pushes her to marry a wealthy neighbor, whilst Jane meets a poor student who intrigues her. Through the course of her interactions, she writes the novel that would become "Pride and Prejudice", with her experiences speaking to what happens in the novel. Maggie Smith is fabulous, as are other supporting players Julie Walters and James Cromwell. This movie will go down in history as the film that has the best line ever spoken in a movie: I think you're flirting with my brother, cousin.

Final thoughts: Sweet romance that one will enjoy if they are a fan of Jane Austen, Anne Hathaway, James McAvoy, or if they are a hopeless romantic.


On Sunday afternoon, Ellen and I headed to midtown to take in the Broadway production of XANADU. Yes, this musical is based on the legendary terrible film starring Olivia Newton-John, which I have never actually seen. Anyway, the show was very funny, and the whole experience was made even funner (he he) by having seats that were on the stage. The actors were thisclose to us, and while it was weird to lose that "fourth wall", this was such a funny show to do it with. Sadly, Kerry Butler was out of the show, but we saw a lovely understudy who actually performed at Papermill while I worked there. Cheyanne Jackson was dreamy and hilarious as the not too bright Sonny, and Mary Testa and Jackie Hoffmann tore up the stage as two of the G-ds. There was roller-skating, Australian accents, and glow sticks. What more could a girl at a Broadway show wish for?

Final thoughts: Is this great theatre? Well, no not really. But for $40, it was a lovely way to laugh away the afternoon and watch pretty people dance and fall in love.
Margaritas and Hairspray
One thing that I don't do very often is go drinking. Mostly it is super-expensive in the city, and I would rather go to movies or the theatre or something like that. Anyway, Ellen had a couple of friends in the city with whom we met up and had margaritas with before heading to a sing-a-long version of the new HAIRSPRAY movie. Well, two pitchers later, and this was pretty much the best night ever. We went to an 11:15pm showing, and there were only 12 people total in the theatre. Um, needless to say, after our dose of inhibition juice, I don't think anyone else was really singing along as enthusiastically as we were. The film was still fabulous, and it was a hoot to sing along to John Travolta. I guess now I can say that I have sung a Broadway show.....on Broadway?
Final thoughts: Too much fun for words. I don't know if it was the singing, or the margaritas, but it was a fabulous night!


Blogger SaucyVixen said...

You lush.

2:11 PM  

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