Sunday, April 27, 2008

forgetting sarah marshall

I have been looking forward to seeing FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL for almost a year. I know, mock me if you must, but it stars two peeps that I really like. Well, last weekend, with one of my fave people, I finally got to check it out. Was it change-my-life fantastic? Will I buy it the second it comes out on DVD? Well, no. However, I thought that it was really funny, and I am so glad I got to check it out. Kristen Bell stars as the forgotten, and the film is written by and stars Jason Segal from HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Segal has just been dumped by Bell, and is super-depressed about it. He decides to go to Hawaii to get away from it all, and of course, Bell is there with her new boyfriend, a ridiculous rock star, who is hilarious, played by Russell Brand. (He steals pretty much every scene he's in!) Mila Kunis works at the resort, and she and Segal start to make googly eyes at one another.
The movie is funny, and in typical Apatow way, has some sweet moments to counteract the raunchy, dirty stuff. Everyone is fine in their parts, and I now want to go to Hawaii, and kudos to "Kenneth" from 30 ROCK who appears as a virginal newlywed who can't figure out the "sex" thing. I giggled. Bonus: There is a musical about vampires. I am SO not kidding.

Final thoughts: Funny, dirty, great to catch if you like the Judd Apatow house of funny. Not necessary to see on the big screen, though.
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