Thursday, February 21, 2008

my mama!

I love my mom. It is totally dorky, I admit, but she is seriously one of my favorite people. Over this past long weekend, she came to the city (leaving my poor, abandoned father in Ohio), and we had some crazy fun!! In the course of the weekend, we ate out at Bistros Les Amis, Southside Cafe, Lasagna, and a new place called Cafe Largo that just opened by my apartment....and they were all fabulous. It was amazing meal, after amazing meal. We also saw two shows, and a movie. Oh, and we went shopping, and visited with my Aunt. It was a CRAZY weekend, but so great.

Saturday afternoon - STEP UP 2 THE STREETS

What can I say? I love the dance movies, and so I go and see them all. First, this sequel was so much better than the original...and much better than it had to be! There was a cohesive plot, but instead of spending time with awkward dialogue scenes, they skipped that and went to the kick-*ss dancing. Woo-hoo! And it was fabulous dancing! This girl has a last chance to stay living with this family, and that is to audition and get into the Maryland School of the Arts. Getting into the program, and trying to catch up means that she gets kicked out of her street dancing crew. Sadness ensues. Soon, the kids at her arts school start finding the street dancing pulse within them, and yearn to compete in the street dance competition. A fun'll come for the dancing, and stay for the dancing.

Final thoughts: Fun to watch...and better than you think it will be!

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Saturday night - XANADU

Yes, this is the second time that I have seen XANADU...but this time, I got to see it with Kerry Butler playing the leading role of Clio. Once again, I was able to get seats on the stage, and it was just as hilarious as I remember. Laugh out loud funny, this is an evening of camp, sly humor, and eye rolling, as the cast seems to have a blast retelling the story of the infamously terrible film of the same name. If you have the chance, definitely get stage seats, and check out this hilarious show!

Final thoughts: A night of fun, that includes not only crazy talented people, but humor that will leave you chuckling long after you leave the theatre.

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Sitting two rows from the back, my mom and I took in the new version of SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE, starring the two stars from London recreating their roles, and a NYC cast including Ohio native, Jessica Grove. The cast is fabulous, especially Jenna Russell playing Dot...I think she will most likely win the Tony. The truth is, I don't love the musical. None of the music really sticks out to me, other than the song "Sunday", and the story, while interesting, tends to drag. I thought the second half worked better than the first, but of course found myself incredibly moved by the end of the first act, when we see the painting come together. Technically, this show was unbelievable! A true multimedia production, it was riveting to watch all of the pieces come together, and see the clever way that it all worked.

Final thoughts: Not my favorite show, but well performed and produced. Definitely try to check it out if you can.

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