Friday, March 21, 2008

March movie madness!

So, have seen some pretty good films over the last couple of weeks. First, was invited to a friend's house for dinner, and to watch LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, which I have never seen it. Sadly, I only made it through the first half, but loving it so far. We are meant to reconvene tomorrow and watch the second half. There is something so compelling about Peter O'Toole. I am hoping to watch some of this other films as well.

I enjoy heist movies, and this one looked interesting as it was based on a true story. A local group of thugs is hired by a former model to break into a certain bank. She has been hired by some government guy to get pictures of a royal doing dirty things that are usually shown in porno films. So, these local thugs go about trying to break in the bank. Chaos ensues. It was an interesting movie to watch, but also quite disturbing. It just kind of goes along, and then has a very gritty, realistic edge to its violence which is somewhat unexpected. The actors are all very low-key and interesting, featuring Saffron Burrows (who is fantastic in the film ENIGMA, costarring Ms. Kate Winslet) and Jason Statham as the lead local thug.

Final thoughts: If you dig heist movies, one to check out...but you could add it to you netflix list, no problem.

Sometimes, a simple, little love story is all you need. Featuring a fabulous cast of Amy Adams, Frances McDormand, Ciaran Hinds (LOVE him) and the adorable Lee Pace (hope everyone had a chance to watch PUSHING DAISIES, one of my fave TV shows from the fall), MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY tells about Ms. Pettigrew (McDormand) becoming a social secretary to the social-climbing Adams. She wants to be a star, and so has three beaus to make that happen. She is dating the producer of the show she wants to star in in the West End, the bar owner where she currently performers her Cabaret, and the poor but cute piano player who loves her, and wants to marry her. Pettigrew is over her head, as a pastor's daughter, who is suddenly juggling men, and taking her charge to lingerie shows designed by the hunky Hinds, who is engaged to a woman with whom he is constantly fighting and getting back together with. Chaos ensues. Charming and fluffy, you can't help but leave the theatre smiling at the silliness of it all. Of course, there is seriousness as London is about top be bombed at any moment by the Nazis. However, that can't get in the way of the young people having fun.

Final thoughts: Darling story filled with good actors makes for a lovely matinee. Bring a girlfriend and some chocolate, and indulge the hopeless romantic inside you!

There is nothing better than seeing a movie, and finding it so much better than you thought it was going to be. A fabulous rom-com, DEFINITELY MAYBE captures the story of a father telling his daughter how he met her mother. (Not to be confused with the TV show starring Josh Radnor of Columbus, Ohio.) Anyway, Ryan Reynolds tells his daughter, played by Abigail Breslin, how he met and courted three women, Elizabeth Banks, Isla Fisher, Rachel Weicz, all of who are fantastic in the movie. It is a "love-story mystery", and sweet to boot. This film definitely steps up, portraying the realism and complexity of adult love and relationships, but also keeps it funny and full of hope. Loved it, thought it was sweet, rooted for love, and laughed a bit. All in all, a great trip to the movies.

Final thoughts: One for the hopeless romantic. Thoroughly enjoyable and a lot of fun! Check it out on either the big screen or your TV when it comes out.
So, this weekend, hoping to check out the French film LOVE SONGS....but also going to crash at home as well. Hope that you might get yourselves to the movies if you can!

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Blogger redbird said...

I had mixed feelings on seeing "Def...Maybe" but your good review has nudged me to check it out - though it may have to be on DVD!

Looking forward to seeing "Miss Pettigrew" sounds like fun!

3:26 PM  
Blogger Redhead Rambles said...

I wasn't so sure about Def. Maybe. It looked a little bland to me, but I may give it a try thanks to Beth, the critic.

6:37 PM  

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