Saturday, July 26, 2008

movie redux deluxe!

Seriously people....I see a lot of movies. Like, an obscene amount. So, here are some thoughts on what I've seen lately.....

I have been waiting for this movie for so long. I loved BATMAN BEGINS, and I even had a countdown for THE DARK KNIGHT on my facebook page for several months. However, I took it down after the death of Heath Ledger. Ledger casts a huge shadow over THE DARK KNIGHT. His character of the Joker is truly creepy, and a frightening nemesis to Batman. The movie itself is so dark and morbid. I also thought it was fantastic.

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Aaron Eckhart are fabulous additions to the film, and the love triangle between the two of them and Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne adds some much needed humor to the film.

Seriously, this movie is so dark. It was depressing, and then kind of got more depressing. The film is really intense, and I was actually kind of overwhelmed. I have to be honest and say that Heath Ledger was not far from my mind. I am still so saddened by the whole thing. Such a tragedy.

Final thoughts: An incredible performance by Ledger, and a dark, disturbing film that will get your adrenaline pumping. I can't wait to check it out on the IMAX screen.


You know how sometimes movies are so bad, you kind of enjoy them? MAMMA MIA is a bit of a train wreck, but a fun train wreck at that. Amanda Seyfried does a good job as our heroine Sophie, and the locale is just amazing to look at. However, there are some truly cringe worthy moments, and I think it is mostly because of poor direction. Awkward close-ups, and dismal choreography don't help the already awkward staging. Giggles abound, but often for the wrong reason.
Final thoughts: If you are a fan of one of the actors, or like ABBA music, check it out. Best scene: Sophie and her mom (Meryl Streep) bond while she gets ready for the wedding.


I so want to live inside Guillermo del Toro's head. This film so surprised me with it's bizarre and fascinating vision, and surprising humor. Although it did start to feel a little long, I was genuinely invested in this battle between the humans and the elves/supernatural creatures. A fabulous popcorn movie, this action flick has a surprising dose of soap opera relationship drama.

Final thoughts: Totally dug it....and having no recollection of the first movie doesn't deter from the movie at all.


Great movie? Not really....but the 3-D is totally cool, and Brendan Fraser is totally cute. Some totally scary moments, that embarrassingly had me jumping out of my seat. (You can begin!)

Final thoughts: Total 3-D mindless fun.


A stunning movie that totally rocked my world. I enjoy that the two things that will survive the end of the world are cockroaches and musical theatre. Any movie that says this is okay with me. The world is literally overrun with garbage, and the humans have left in a rocket ship, leaving behind a robot to do the cleaning up. Wall-E has somehow developed a personality, and falls in love with a probe robot that comes to the planet to check up on things. A fantastic love story ensues.

Final thoughts: Check this out in the theatre. Hopefully, you will love it as much as my parents and I did!


I totally dig Liv Tyler and Edward Norton. I like summer action flicks. This one was fun, and I really liked it when Liv and Edward were together. Didn't really dig the enemy storyline. Thought that Tim Blake Nelson was a riot.

Final thoughts: If you dig the actors, and the comics, definitely one to check out.


Had some genuinely funny moments. Not as good as I had hoped it would be.

Final thoughts: You can put this one on your NetFlix list.

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Blogger Redhead Rambles said...

I love that moment in Mama Mia when Sophie and her mom are getting her ready for the wedding. Enjoyed the reviews! Keep 'em coming, Bethy! :)

9:01 AM  

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