Sunday, June 08, 2008

major movie redux part I

Loved it. It was everything that I wanted the movie to be. Is it perfect? No. Is Jennifer Hudson horribly miscast? Yes. Did I adore every moment of it? Abso-*******-lutely. The ladies are back, and so is NYC. For me, the show was always about the friendships between the women, and this movie really looked at those relationships. I laughed, I cried, and I left hoping for a love story of epic proportions.

Final thoughts: If you were a fan of the show, I think you will be satisfied with the movie. Do check it out on the big screen...

While the parents were in town, we decided to check out the new Indiana Jones, and although it was a fun (summer popcorn) movie, I found myself a little disappointed with the script. Harrison Ford is back, and fun as ever as the archeology teacher. Shia LaBeouf is fun as the young sidekick. There are some exciting action sequences, and your heart can't help but race when the theme music comes in. However, this film took a leap in a (paranormal) direction that I just couldn't quite make. I mean, that's not to say that the earlier films didn't need you to suspend your disbelief (fountain of youth?), but I just couldn't do it this time. Also, some of the action sequences were kind of ridiculous even by Indy standards. Am I glad I checked it out? Definitely. However, I just wish I could have believed.

Final thoughts: Fun, wholesome adventures for the whole you must see on the big screen. Perhaps just keep those expectations low.


After the seemingly universal rave reviews that Caspian received, I was quite excited to go and check it out. Although I enjoyed myself, I didn't love it. There are some exciting fight scenes, and the kids have some good moments...but overall, I was actually kind of confused as to what was going on, and after awhile, gave up trying to figure it out. So, the first movie was all about how the older kids didn't believe Lucy. They learned to trust her, and were triumphant in the end. Like eight minutes into this movie, the kids don't trust Lucy. I mean, did they learn nothing from the first two hour movie they were in? Seriously. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results. Older Narnia be crazy!

Final thoughts: A movie to see on the big screen....but not as fantastic as I had hoped it would be.


Pandas are cute. I mean, who doesn't like pandas? I think we all dream of wearing a panda jacket because they are so cute. I kid, I kid, reader. This movie was fun. A (fat) panda dreams of being a kung-fu fighter. There are other kung-fu fighters. A wise old turtle says that the (fat) panda is in fact the dragon warrior that everyone was waiting for to defeat the scary cat that will soon be coming to kick-ass and take names. Will the (fat) panda put down his noodles long enough to become a kung-fu machine? There are some really funny moments, in fact, I laughed out loud. I actually saw this in a theatre full of kids (ugh), with their exhausted parents, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Although the fat jokes got kind of old, the story does have a sweet heart, and is good fun for the whole family. Be warned though, the scary cat is, in fact, quite scary.

Final thoughts: Hilarious....non-controversial fun. One for the family, or when you need a good giggle.
photo credits:


Blogger redbird said...

I agree with you on Indy...I enjoyed, but also couldn't get past the alien thing and the ridiculous moments like surviving a nuclear bomb by hiding in a 1950's fridge. Hmm?

SATC was amazing...oh let's go to Mexico! Carrie's wedding dress w/the blue bird/feather thing was so crazy amazing! Love it! I got tired of the Saint Louise from St. Louis shtick, ugh.

6:11 PM  

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