Saturday, May 03, 2008

it begins

It's here, people, it's here. Summer movie season has begun!! This morning, the roomie, a friend and I went to check out the first big offering, IRON MAN. I am a big superhero movie fan, and this one I went into a little blind, not knowing the comics at all. Let me just say, this was a FANTASTIC way to start off the summer! This movie is funny, compelling, well acted, has an intriguing story, and sews in violence and was fabulous! Robert Downey, Jr is incredible as IRON MAN. He is interesting, suave, a little dark, and just so good in the part. He is Stark, weapons whiz, party-guy, and headed to give a presentation to the military about a new weapon his company has created. On the way back to the airfield, his convoy is attacked, and he is taken hostage by ruthless terrorists. Forced by them to rebuild a terrifying weapon, instead he builds a suit to get himself out of harm's way. Thus, the IRON MAN is born. Back to civilization he goes, but where does he fit? With a stellar supporting cast of Jeff Bridges, Terrance Howard, and Gwyneth Paltrow, this movie kept me on the edge of my seat. My only wish is that I could go back and see it for the first time again!!

Final thoughts: Hooray for the summer movie season! Big, loud, funny, exciting, IRON MAN is kick-ass movie that hits all the right notes! Plus, bonus that the new DARK KNIGHT trailer plays before it. (Although, it was still super sad to see Heath Ledger.)


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