Thursday, October 23, 2008

movie redux

I actually haven't been seeing quite as many movies as I would have liked. With the show, my time got crazy, and so, no time for Beth-happy-movie-time.

I heart Micheal Cera! I liked this movie. It was sweet and funny, and was in the city which I always enjoy. However, it made me face a crisis of conscience. I am getting older. I have noticed more and more that I am getting older than the hero/heroine in the books I'm reading or the movies I'm seeing. I hate when reality breaks into my happy place. :( Anyway, Nick is in a band, and is sad because his girlfriend broke up with him. Norah is a little depressed, and Nick's ex-girlfriend is mean to her because her dad runs a record company. They pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend and hilarity ensues. I know, bizarre description. However, it is a good movie....much better than it needs to be. Plus, it stars Michael Cera! What else does a movie need?

Final thoughts: A fun movie. You don't have to see it on the big screen...but it is fun to rock out to the fabu music in the theatre.

Sometimes, after you watch a movie, you just have to say "huh"? This movie was really funny...and really weird. George Clooney plays insecure, Brad Pitt plays a dumb blonde, and the government is confused. Bonus: My colleague's husband has a small part in the film!

Final thoughts: A bizarre, funny Coen movie. One to add to the NetFlix list if you are a fan of any of the actors or directors.

NIGHTS IN RODANTHE I so wanted to like this movie...and I did like the first 1/3. It was kind of like a Lifetime movie on steroids. Bigger stars, bigger budget...but ultimately left me flat.

Final thoughts: If you are a die-hard fan of the book, maybe one to check out. Otherwise, just rewatch THE NOTEBOOK.
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