Sunday, August 31, 2008

tropic thunder

Horrible and hilarious. Sometimes, a movie is painfully funny, but also painfully inappropriate. Some of the things in this movie are like burn in hell inappropriate....and one can only hope that the Lord will spare those who laughed at the jokes, and only punish those who told them. TROPIC THUNDER is a movie about a movie. A team of actors are working on THE war movie...and it is going badly. In order to get the actors to understand what it was like during the battle, the director, special effects director and author of the book decide to make the movie guerrilla-style and drop the actors out in the woods. So, everything goes wrong, and unbeknownst to the actors, they are fighting drug lords. Robert Downey, Jr. is ha-larious as the Australian method actor who dyes his skin black to play an African-American. Ben Stiller is also great (probably his best role to date) as the action star who is trying to get his career back after playing a special-needs character and destroying his reputation. Jay Baruchel is also a stand-out as the seemingly only sane actor in the bunch, rounded out by Jack Black and Brandon T. Jackson. This movie is offensive, weirdly gory, full of fart jokes, and full of creeps in the movie is also laugh-out-loud funny, and full of lines that you will repeat long after you've left the theatre. A random thought...Matthew McConaughey plays Stiller's agent, and is great in the part. The part was originally meant to be played by Owen Wilson. How different would that part have been?

Final thoughts: A hilarious, but offensive film, not for the faint of heart. Bonus: The trailers (especially the one with Robert Downey, Jr.) are so funny, and kudos to the folks who were willing to mock themselves for this one.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey what did you think of ol' Tommy Cruise? I didn't know he had that much rhythm! He was pretty freakin' hilarious!

2:10 PM  

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