Saturday, August 02, 2008

space chimps

Sometimes, things are just dorky fun. I have to say that any time a movie gets a "G" rating, I tend to think that maybe it's not for me. However, SPACE CHIMPS far exceeded my expectations, and totally cracked me up. SPACE CHIMPS is a movie about these chimps...that go into space. After an exploratory probe goes into a wormhole and lands on an alien planet, NASA puts together a team of chimps to send after it. So, three chimps are sent into space, and hilarity ensues. The life on the alien planet is bizarre and hilarious. Special kudos to Kilowatt played by Kristin Chenowith, who has some hilarious moments as a little creature that glows when she is nervous. With fantastic music by the Blue Man Group (wink wink), this movie is hilarious and silly fun.

Final thoughts: So much fun...don't have to necessarily see on the big screen, but one to definitely take in.


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