Thursday, February 02, 2006

sad thought...i have become an adult

Walking to the subway today, I came to the sad realization that I might have become an adult. There are several reasons why I think this has happened. This morning, there were two girls, probably high-school aged, walking in front of me. I looked at them and a voice in my head thought.....what foolish girls! They are not wearing heavy enough coats for this weather! Where are their hats? What, no gloves? That one is wearing the right coat...but it's not even zipped up? What is wrong with them? Do they want to get sick? Do they want a head cold? It was at then that I realized that the voice I was hearing was not my mothers. It was mine! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is the cry of my youth as it slips away. Melodramatic? Perhaps. But it is the sad truth. I remember last summer, my partner in crimes in NYC Ellen, Richard and I were having a typical night out. We had seen a movie (surprise!) and then had stopped at Coldstone for some ice cream. We started our trek uptown, and decided to stop somewhere for dinner. I was eating my burger deluxe (usually the cheapest thing on any NYC menu) and just felt sick. When did I become the kind of person that can't have dessert first, and a hamburger isn't always the right thing to eat? The thought of drinking coke in the morning makes me ill. I always look for comfortable shoes. The first thing I do when I get home from work is change into my sweats, my comfy house clothes. I sit and fret about the cat....wondering if she is getting into stuff that she shouldn't. Are these the signs that I am no longer a kid? That I have taken that step over the great divide into adulthood? I guess the only thing to do is to act as immaturely as I can....but somehow, that doesn't seem like the way to go. It's just strange to think that now, not only do I look like a grown-up (sort of), but I kind of feel like one too.

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Blogger redbird said...

I read somewhere that you become an adult when you own furniture not previously owned by any member of your family. :-)

2:38 AM  

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