Friday, March 10, 2006

only in new york

Yesterday morning, as I was dragging myself into work, I had the kind of morning that one can only have in New York. I was walking across 28th street, and as I approached Madison Avenue, I finally noticed the nineteen or so firetrucks and the hordes of people on the sidewalk. The building next door to mine was on fire, and I sat there in silence watching the smoke billowing out of the windows. My first thought was that I hope no one got hurt. My second thought was I hope they close the office and I can go home and watch Lifetime movies and torment the cat. As I made my way through the crowd, I came across a man speaking animatedly on his phone standing over a box lying on the sidewalk. I looked down, and the box was full of fish. I looked at the fish just lying there in a pile, and I wondered how this moment came to be. Did the man get in a fight with someone and throw down the fish....or perhaps he tripped and dropped the fish. Why did he have a box full of fish in the first place? Why were the fish just in a box, and not in a cooler with ice or something? Were there other boxes of fish...if so, was he driving a van? Was he delivering the fish to a restaurant, or were the poor fish drug mules like in that movie "Maria, Full of Grace"? How can you see a man with a box of fish and not wonder all of these things? Sadly, I never found out what he was doing there with a box of fish, nor did I take a picture. Plus, to top it all off, the office stayed open and the cat got another day of freedom.


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