Wednesday, March 01, 2006

why i'm a bad christian, and will burn in hell forever

Every year, I like to pretend I'm Catholic and give up something for Lent. It is a tradition that I can thank my friend Beth for, who at Eastman, in order to make her Catholic life easier, forced all of her friends to do Lent with her. So, after much consideration, and a fabulous Fat Tuesday (yeah NYC Pizza!) I decided that I was going to give up baked goods and desserts. This meant no more Starbucks scones for breakfast, or giant cookies after lunch, or birthday cupcakes at work. I fobbed off my cookies in the apartment to my poor, starving roommate and got ready to face temptation. I woke up this morning, and it all went well. I was not attacked by a fleet of marauding muffins, nor was there a birthday at work. I innocently go to my 10:30 meeting and return to the office to check my e-mail. In my inbox sat an e-mail from satan........informing me that my girl scout cookies had arrived. What are the odds? Seriously, what are the odds? I went and picked up the boxes, paying my $10.50 and returned to my desk to contemplate life, the challenge of Lent, and whether to embrace that I am a Methodist, and just eat the freaking cookies. Two cookies later I decided to give up fried foods instead.

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