Saturday, April 29, 2006

stick this!

Okay, don't judge me. [sigh] I seem to be saying that an awful lot lately. A sad, sordid state of affairs. Anyway, today I headed down to the 84th street Loews and took in "Stick It"...a movie about gymnastics done by the people who gave us "Bring It On". Need I say more? It was good fun for the whole family. Personally, I love gymnastics. I love the summer Olympics and do nothing but watch the gymnastics, cringing when someone falls off the beam, or takes that extra step on the vault landing. I really actually hope in my next life that I am a gymnast. I took a couple classes when I was younger...but when you are 5'10", it just seems that gymnastics aren't in the cards. Plus, my mother told me that during my dance school recital where I had taken my gymnastics class, that I ran around on stage moving people and giving them direction. Lordy, I must have been a monster! Oh, I digress....."Stick It" is everything that you want it to be....good, unadulterated fun. A girl (Haley) who has had brushes with the law rides her bike through a window and is arrested. To punish her, she is sent to a gymnastics school where she must study. (Back story: She was leading the US team to gold at the world championships when she walked out of the meet, disqualifying the team.) Will she go back to work? Will she find the joy of competition? The truth is, this movie is better than it should be. I had a great time, and recommend it to anyone trying to get in touch with their inner tweener.

Final thoughts: The perfect Saturday afternoon flick if you secretly (or openly) enjoy gymnastics, and like lippy teenage girls.

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