Saturday, September 23, 2006

i heart gerard butler

One of the many actors that I adore is Gerard Butler. This weekend, I went and rented a soccer movie that he did called "Miracle Match" which actually never opened in NYC. I mean, how is that possible? We get every movie out there...I mean, a movie doesn't exist if it's not playing on some indie movie house in NYC. Anyway, it was okay....he did a great job as always. I am actually more excited about a preview that has gone online for another movie he has done called "300". It is based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller, and it looks uber-violent and decidedly awesome. Sometimes you just have to embrace the inner 14-year old boy inside you (not you Michael) and check out the too violent movies starring the actor that you would totally marry if you ever met, formed a relationship, he gave up smoking, and was willing to settle in NYC.

Check out the preview here:
(This is the be-all, end-all website about Gerard Butler. If you are interested in him, check this out to get good info about his work.)

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