Sunday, March 12, 2006

emily mortimer

After a beautiful Saturday, Sunday become dark, dreary, and rainy. So, I headed to the movies. (argh) Frankly, there is very little that I want to see right now, so I decided to go and see a film that an actress that I am starting to follow her career is appearing in. The actress is Emily Mortimer ("Dear Frankie", "Match Point" and "Lovely and Amazing"). The film was "The Pink Panther". The good news? It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, and had some genuinely lovely moments. The bad news? It wasn't as funny as I wished it was. There was some funny dialogue:
"Do you live alone?"
"Do you get lonely?"
"Not since the Internet."
Well, I am a simple person, and I thought that was funny. Jean Reno is actually the person who stuck out to me in this film. He was essentially the straight man of the film, but did it really well. He is going to be in the upcoming "Da Vinci Code", and I am very much looking forward to that. So, there were funny moments, and some not-funny moments. Beyonce sings a song, and she sings well, so that was nice. Hm...I guess that is all.

Final thoughts: Perhaps to rent? Eh, can go either way.


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