Monday, March 19, 2007

sweaty, sassy, campy fun

I heart Gerard Butler. I have hearted him for a long time now, and I can think of no better way to spend a Friday night than watching him run around in a leather speedo, fighting for honor and glory on the IMAX screen. My roommate allowed me to drag him to see "300" on the IMAX, and it was good, not-so-wholesome fun. Mr. Butler was his usual fabulous self, in said leather speedo, kicking a** and taking names. I am not sure if this film was meant to be campy, but I sat in the theatre just enjoying the visual orgasm this movie was. Not only was there Gerry, but a group of 300 incredibly gorgeous, sweaty men pounding the crap out of their enemy, fighting for their land, their glory, their children. The fighting itself was pretty gruesome, and to be honest, I didn't watch all of it. However, it was innovative, dark, and interesting to watch. The music rocked out at the appropriate times, and the visuals were, for the most part, stunning. The woman who played his wife did a nice job...I didn't love her. She had one speech in particular that I just wished she had done differently. However, they had great chemistry together.

Final thoughts: I thought it was campy fun, and worth the price of admission. If you heart Gerry Butler, or are an 18 year-old boy, you will probably like this movie a lot. If you are interested in seeing it, check it out on the big screen.

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Blogger Geoff said...

This movie rocked! Sex, violence, style, homoeroticism, er...

Seriously though, if you want to see the most convoluted swordplay ending in someone losing a head - slowly - then this is your film...I didn't know that all Spartans were Scots-Australian though. Still....YES!

12:10 PM  

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