A couple of weekends ago, I decided to head to the movies and once there, I would decide between seeing BELLA and THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS 3D. Strangely, when I arrived, someone was handing out free tickets to see BELLA, so BELLA it was. I really wanted to love this movie....and it's not that I didn't like it, it was just...okay. To its credit, there were some fantastic actors involved. Both Tammy Blanchard and Eduardo Veregui are heartbreaking as two lost souls trying to make their way through the world. Blanchard finds herself pregnant, alone, and fired from her job where she works with Veregui and for his brother. When she is sent away, Veregui runs after her to see what he can do. This leads to a day of new beginnings for both as they try to figure out how to move from the past into the future. The story, with many sweet elements, is strained as the movie goes on...and because this movie is meant for realism, the strain really shows. I wanted to care about it all passionately, and sadly, I just didn't quite get there.
Final thoughts: Great actors in a so-so movie. Perhaps add it to your NetFlix list if you like those humanistic movies.
LARS AND THE REAL GIRLLast weekend, I finally made it out with my friend from work, so we headed to the fabulous
Paris Theatre on 58th street and took in LARS AND THE REAL GIRL. To be honest, I have a bit of a crush on Ryan Gosling. He is just so talented, and continues to do offbeat, compelling, and fantastic work. With an amazing supporting cast, this little movie is both uplifting, sad, sweet, funny, and poignant. Lars lives in his brother's garage, and continually fights off the advances of his sister-in-law to hang out with them. He likes to be alone. One night, he comes to the house to dinner saying that he would like to bring a friend if that was okay with them. In comes Bianca, a life-size sex doll that Lars has ordered off of the Internet. Assuming that he has completely lost it, they take Lars and Bianca to their doctor/psychiatrist to try to figure out what is wrong with him. Why does Lars see Bianca as a real person? How will the town react to her? What about that cute girl at work who is always trying to talk to Lars? Gosling's commitment to every role is commendable, and this one is no different. His sweetness, and damage is painful to watch, and yet, Bianca always seems so real through it all.
Final thoughts: A sweet, bizarre, funny and sad film you should check out. Gosling is fabulous, and not bad to look at either. Plus, Emily Mortimer is fantastic as always!
FRED CLAUSYou know how sometimes a movie will get bad reviews, but you go anyway and its really funny and you have a great time? That so didn't happen with this movie. And, to make it even worse, it is full of great people like Rachel Weisz and Paul Giamatti.
Final thoughts: Watch it on TBS next year if only for the sibling anonymous group meeting.