Hi folks. Once again, I have let you down, reader. Things have been crazy (as always), and I have been a busy girl. I have been really irritated by some things lately, so I thought I would share some of the things that have been bothering me (the boos), and some stuff that I am totally stoked about (the boo-yahs). Without further ado, the list....
1. Why must NYC smell like rotting garbage during the summer? It is just plain nasty.
2. The Olympic events I want to watch (gymnastics and swimming) coming on so freaking late.
3. The economy....in general.
4. My $491 plane ticket to fly home at Christmas. Seriously.
5. Subway stations being like four hundred degrees. There are days I get to work ready to serve with a side of mashed potatoes and stuffing.
6. Not making the time to work out.
7. The rain almost every day of my vacation.
8. It is looking unlikely that I will ever get a medal at the Olympics for gymnastics.
1. I totally bought my ticket to the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE tour. It is going to be awesome.
2. The Olympic swimmers - so pretty to look at.
3. Having a vacation.
4. I'm going home for Christmas!
5. The movie, MAN ON WIRE. (Review to come.)
6. Facebook - love, love, love it!
Just some thoughts on this summer night. Hope that your life is going well, and movie reviews coming soon!