Monday, March 20, 2006

they're back!

Every winter, there is a six-week window in which traveling around the city is fun and easy. This is known as the non-tourist season. Suddenly, the sidewalks keep moving, getting on and off the train is a breeze, and you can do what you want without having to smile at anyone. I love those few precious weeks of peace and solitude. That time has sadly now come to an end. As I was walking to the theatre through Times Square Sunday, I simply had to hang my head in sadness. Gone were the efficient lines of single-file people weaving their way uptown. Instead, it was a sea of bright colors. Families clumped together, six across, clutching their purses in one hand, and their digital camera in the other. Groups of ten standing around a map trying to figure out where Central Park is. Children running around. Adults running around. People standing around staring up at buildings, signs, anything shiny. It is beyond annoying. There are certain rules that everyone should follow when visiting New York. Here are some of them:

1. Do not walk down the street with more than two (2) people across. It is rude and inconvenient.
2. Think of walking on NYC sidewalks like driving...don't stop suddenly to look at something. Instead, guide yourself slowly to the side and stop there.
3. Plan where you are going before you leave the hotel/hostel/place you're staying. Have a route in mind before you leave so you don't need to accost others on the train for directions, or stop and stand in a clump of 14 in the middle of the sidewalk looking at a map and/or directions.
4. Don't walk through a door and stop to consider your options. This goes for both the subway and everything above ground. Keep moving so that the many, many people may get in or out behind you.
5. Umbrella warfare. (see previous blog)

I think these are good starting points...I am sure many things will annoy me at a later date and I will revisit this again. Until then...happy touring with common sense!

photo credit:


Blogger Lanii Be Good said...

Captivating! Sarcastic and heartfelt! A must read for every tourist, New Yorker and transplant! You'll fall in love with Beth Slack!!!

9:47 PM  
Blogger Lanii Be Good said...

do you have an instant messaging tool of some sort...msn...aim...something? i miss you and you make me laugh and smile so why the hell aren't you more a part of my life??

9:48 PM  

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